Link Building for SEO: The Beginner’s Guide


Link building is one of the most important parts of SEO, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. It’s easy to get snagged on technical details and lose sight of the big picture when you’re trying to build links. So let’s start with the basics: what is link building?

What is link building?

Link building is a process by which you create links to your website that point back to it.

Link building helps with SEO because it increases the number of pages on your site that contain inbound links, which can improve its search engine rankings.

Link building also helps with ranking in other ways: by increasing the popularity and trustworthiness of your content (which makes it more likely that people will link to you), and by improving user experience (which makes them more likely to share or bookmark those pages).

The benefits of link building

As you can see, links are an important part of the ranking algorithm. They give you credibility and authority, they help you get more traffic, they help build relationships with other sites and they even help find new customers.

So why wouldn’t someone want to build as many quality links as possible?

How to build links

Building links is the most important part of your link building strategy, but it’s also the part that can take the most time and effort.

You need to be strategic about who you build links from and where you place them on your site. If you build too many low-quality or spammy links, Google may penalize your website for violating its quality guidelines.

Here are some best practices for building great backlinks:

  • Build links from relevant sites only – Don’t build links from websites that don’t relate closely enough with yours (for example, if your site sells cars and theirs sells pet supplies). Search engines will see this as an attempt to manipulate their algorithms by linking together unrelated topics in order to boost rankings; they’ll penalize both sites involved in such schemes instead of rewarding them with higher rankings!

Where to find potential linking partners

You can find potential linking partners using tools like Ahrefs, Majestic and Moz. These tools will help you to find websites that have links to your competitors’ websites. You can then contact these sites and offer them a link in return for a link back to yours.

You can also use Buzzsumo, Followerwonk and Tweepsmap to identify influencers who may be interested in linking back to your site if you reach out directly with an offer on their content or blog post (if applicable).

But don’t worry we can help you rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs) with link building. This increases the amount of traffic your website gets from organic search which leads to more customers and revenue for your business!

How often should you build links?

  • Link building should be a continuous process, not a one-off event.
  • You should build links every week to new pages on your website and other websites.

The right way to do guest posting.

Guest posts are an excellent way to build links, but you have to be careful about how you do it. Here are some tips for making sure your guest posts are effective:

  • Do your research before you decide on a site. You should always find out what the site owner wants from their content (there may be different requirements for different types of sites) and make sure that what you write is appropriate for them. For example, if the site owner wants tips on how to get traffic from Reddit, then don’t write about how great Pinterest is! It’s also important not only that your article fits with the topic of their blog or website; it should also complement their existing content by providing unique information or viewpoints–and this might mean doing more research than usual before writing!
  • Write for readers first, search engines second; don’t try too hard at optimization. Don’t just stuff keywords into every paragraph–that’s bad practice because Google penalizes sites that do this by ranking them lower in results pages (and therefore fewer people will see them). Instead use relevant keywords naturally throughout the post; use semantically related ones when possible (for example: “blogging tips” instead of just “blog”). Then make sure there aren’t any obvious grammatical errors so readers won’t get annoyed while reading through them all 🙂

The right way to ask other people for a link.

Now that you know the basics of link building, it’s time to take action. Here are some tips for asking other people for a link:

  • Don’t be spammy. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of getting new links, but if your emails look like they were sent out by an automated system or template (or even worse–a bot), then these sites will likely ignore your request altogether. Instead, write personalized messages that show genuine appreciation for their work and ask them if they’d be willing to add a backlink on their site linking back to yours.
  • Don’t send the same email again and again until someone replies. This is annoying and ineffective; instead of sending five emails at once with different subject lines but identical content saying “Hi,” try sending one personalized message each week until someone responds! Then follow up with another one every few weeks after that until they say yes or no–but don’t keep bugging them after they’ve said no! It’s better just move on than keep pestering someone who doesn’t want anything from us anyway.”

Link building is the foundation of SEO and in order to rank well, you need to understand it.

Link building is the foundation of SEO and in order to rank well, you need to understand it.

Links are a signal to search engines that you are relevant and authoritative. They help you rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs) by giving your site more credibility than sites without links from other sources. This increases the amount of traffic your website gets from organic searches which leads to more customers and revenue for your business!

Link building is the foundation of SEO and in order to rank well, you need to understand it. This article has given you a brief overview of what link building is and how it works. We also looked at some best practices for getting other websites to link back to yours so that search engines will consider your site more valuable when ranking results.