
Free Online Certificate Courses to Become a Real Estate Agent


If you’re looking to become a real estate agent, there are plenty of free real estate license course courses available. These courses will give you the basic knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete a state-specific exam. The best part? They’re all free!

The free online certificate courses below are designed for the beginner real estate agent looking to get a taste of the industry.

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If you are looking for free online certificate courses that will prepare you to become a real estate agent, then look no further. Below are the top 5 free online certificate courses that are designed for beginners and give you a taste of the industry.

These courses offer an overview of real estate terminology, laws and regulations, as well as tips on how to find clients and make money from your business. All three of these options provide access to mentorship programs where experienced agents help guide newbies through their first few years in real estate sales.

If any one course stands out above the rest it would be Investopedia’s “Real Estate Agent Certification.” This course provides excellent information about getting started in real estate investing as well as tips on how best utilize your time when searching for properties (which means finding deals faster).

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Real Estate Broker Education, Arguably the Best Free Online Certificate Course

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This course is offered by the National Association of Realtors, and it’s arguably the best free online certificate course for real estate agents. It’s self-paced and available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish and Chinese.

The NAR has been around since 1908 and has more than 1 million members worldwide who work together to improve the professionalism of our industry through advocacy initiatives like this one: The Real Estate Broker Education Program (REBEP).

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Online Real Estate Licensing Courses

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Online real estate licensing courses are the best way to go if you want to become a real estate agent. You can complete them at your own pace, which makes them convenient. They’re also usually free or low-cost and easy to finish in a few months.

If you’re serious about getting started on your path toward becoming an agent, then consider taking one or more of these online classes:

Online Real Estate Finance Classes

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Real estate finance is one of the required courses you need to take before you can earn your license as a real estate agent. The course will give you an introduction to understanding financial statements, ratios, and other concepts that will help you assess properties for value.

You’ll learn how to read financial statements and use them in conjunction with other data sources like tax assessments or appraisals to determine whether a property has increased or decreased in value since it was last bought or sold. You’ll also learn how two different methods of determining property values–the income approach (or CAPM) and cost approach–work together as part of an overall valuation process called DCF analysis (discounted cash flow).

Sample Exams and Study Guides for Free Online Real Estate License Course

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Free online real estate license course are a great way to learn the necessary material without having to pay for it. You can access them from anywhere with an internet connection, which makes them convenient and flexible. And since they’re free, they’re also affordable!

If you are serious about becoming a real estate agent, online courses are the best way to go.

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In a perfect world, everyone would be able to attend real estate school and take in-person courses. However, it is not always possible for people to do so. Online courses are the next best thing because they make it easy for you to learn at your own pace and in your own home.

Online classes allow you to learn from anywhere at any time that works best for you! You can access them from any device with an Internet connection (Windows PC, Mac laptop/desktop computer or tablet). And since there are no travel costs involved with taking online classes there’s no need for transportation either–just log into your account whenever it’s convenient for YOU!

There are many ways to learn the ins and outs of real estate, but none of them offer as much flexibility or convenience as online courses. If you’re looking for a career change or just want to explore this exciting industry, then consider taking one of these free online certificate courses today!

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